Stéphane's top priorities for Garland ISD
Pillar #1:
Third Grade Literacy
Third grade literacy rates are crucial in understanding the quality of a student's education. Students that cannot read by the end of third grade have a 23% higher risk of dropping out of school, while proficiently reading third graders only have a 4% chance. Students who are proficient readers by the end of third grade have the necessary foundation to find success in future grade levels. As a GISD trustee I want to direct board attention and district resources to pre-K through third grade reading programs to ensure that Garland ISD students are improving in literacy proficiency.

Pillar #2:
Teacher Incentives
GISD educators are not earning a large enough portion of the incentive-based pay that they are eligible for. In 2023, GISD was eligible for over $10 million dollars in state funds, and we only pulled down about 35% of that. This is money that we are leaving on the table at a time when educators and support staff are being asked to do more than they ever have before. Teachers are the single largest indicator for student success and our teachers deserve the absolute best here in GISD. As a GISD trustee, I will work with the board and superintendent to provide support for our teachers so that they are able to consistently draw down more of the incentive-based pay that they are eligible for.

Pillar #3:
Community Engagement
The community of Garland ISD would benefit from more visible and vocal board members. Last year, GISD trustees passed new goals for the district that are meant to guide all initiatives for the next 5 years. These goals were passed with little engagement or feedback from the community, which was a missed opportunity for the board to listen to the diverse perspectives of Garland ISD residents. This is just one example of a board that isn't actively involved with the community. As a GISD trustee, I will work with the board to involve ourselves in educating and listening to the community. Engaged trustees create engaged community members. Engaged community members create engaged students. Engaged students have higher rates of success at school, which is why we are here.
Email: stephanelrovelo@gmail.com

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